Best-of-Breed AR Automation vs. ERP Module: What's Best for Your Business?

14 min

Best-of-Breed Accounts Receivable Automation vs ERP Module: What’s Best for Your Business?

In the realm of accounts receivable (AR), businesses face a critical choice: stick with the familiar, “all-encompassing” ERP system or embrace the specialized power of best-of-breed AR solutions. This decision can significantly impact Days Sales Outstanding performance.

Having grappled with the limitations of generic ERP modules for AR, the frustration of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole is all too familiar. Therefore, it's essential to delve into the debate between best-of-breed accounts receivable automation solutions and ERP modules to help your finance team make an informed choice.

Best-of-Breed AR Advantages: Supercharge Your Receivables Process

When comparing best-of-breed AR solutions and ERP modules for managing your accounts receivable, it's crucial to understand the unique advantages each option offers. In this section, we'll explore how best-of-breed AR solutions can streamline your receivables process and help you make an informed decision.

To provide a comprehensive comparison, we'll evaluate these two options based on the following criteria:

  1. Tailored functionality for accounts receivable
  2. Seamless integration with existing systems
  3. User experience and interface
  4. Performance and reliability
  5. Cost comparison
  6. Customer support and learning curves
  7. Innovation and investment

By examining these key factors, you'll gain a clear understanding of how best-of-breed AR solutions stack up against ERP modules in terms rof optimizing your receivables process. We've done the hard work for you, so you can focus on making the best choice for your organization's unique needs.

Tailored Functionality for Accounts Receivable

Best-of-breed AR solutions are designed specifically for managing receivables, offering specialized features not found in generic ERP modules. This targeted approach enables more efficient and effective AR processes, allowing you to:

  • Automate invoice generation and delivery
  • Streamline payment processing and reconciliation
  • Monitor and analyze AR performance metrics
  • Implement customized dunning strategies
  • Utilize advanced analytics for better forecasting and cash flow management
  • Leverage AI-powered tools for automated payment reminders and dispute resolution

Seamless Integration with Existing Systems

While ERP modules boast the advantage of keeping everything in one place, they often prove to be lightweight and legacy in their functionality. The advantage for software like Centime is that you can get the best of both worlds – a best-of-breed AR solution AND a tab within your ERP.

By integrating your AR solution with your existing infrastructure, you can:

  • Eliminate data silos and ensure data consistency across systems
  • Reduce manual data entry and minimize errors
  • Enhance visibility into your AR process and financial performance
  • Integrate with popular ERP systems like NetSuite, Sage Intacct, QuickBooks, SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft Dynamics

In the following sections, we'll take a closer look at each of the judging criteria, providing you with the insights you need to determine whether a best-of-breed AR solution or an ERP system is the right choice for your organization.


AR Automation Benefits: Save Time and Reduce Errors

  • Automate repetitive tasks to free up your AR team's time, potentially saving up to 30% of their workload.
  • Reduce human errors and improve data accuracy by up to 90%
  • Streamline processes for faster invoice processing and collections, reducing cycle times by up to 22%.

Automated Invoice Generation and Delivery

Automating invoice generation and delivery is a game-changer for AR teams. By setting up predefined rules based on customer contracts and payment terms, best-of-breed AR solutions can automatically create and send invoices without manual intervention.

This eliminates the need for manual data entry, reducing the risk of human errors that can lead to incorrect invoices or delayed payments. According to a study by the International Association of Accounts Receivable Professionals (IARP), automated invoicing can reduce errors by up to 90%(

Automated invoice delivery also speeds up the invoicing process, ensuring that customers receive their invoices promptly. This can improve cash flow by reducing the time between invoice generation and payment receipt. A report by PayStream Advisors found that companies with automated AR processes have a 22% shorter invoice processing cycle time compared to those with manual processes(

Implementing Automated Invoicing

To implement automated invoicing, consider the following steps:

  1. Define invoicing rules based on customer contracts and payment terms
  2. Integrate your AR solution with your ERP or accounting system to pull relevant data
  3. Set up invoice templates and customize them for each customer
  4. Configure automated delivery methods, such as email or customer portals
  5. Monitor and adjust your automated invoicing process as needed

Intelligent Collections Management

Best-of-breed AR solutions offer intelligent collections management features that automate follow-ups and reminders for overdue invoices. By setting up customizable dunning workflows, you can ensure that customers receive timely and consistent communication regarding their outstanding balances.

Intelligent collections management also helps prioritize high-value accounts and at-risk customers, allowing your AR team to focus on strategic tasks that require human intervention. For example, if a high-value customer is consistently late with payments, your AR team can proactively reach out to understand the issue and work on a solution.

Automating collections management frees up your AR team's time, enabling them to focus on tasks that require critical thinking and problem-solving skills. According to a study by the Credit Research Foundation, companies that automate their collections process can reduce DSO by up to 25%(

Implementing Intelligent Collections Management

To implement intelligent collections management, consider the following steps:

  1. Define your collections strategy and dunning workflows
  2. Set up customer segmentation based on payment behavior and account value
  3. Configure automated reminders and follow-ups for each customer segment
  4. Integrate your AR solution with your communication channels (e.g., email, SMS, customer portal)
  5. Monitor and analyze your collections performance to identify areas for improvement

By automating invoice generation, delivery, and collections management, best-of-breed AR solutions help save time and reduce errors, enabling your AR team to focus on high-value tasks that drive business growth.

ERP Limitations for AR: Why Generic Solutions Fall Short

While ERPs offer a broad range of features, their one-size-fits-all approach often falls short when it comes to the specific needs of accounts receivable (AR) departments. In our testing, we found that ERPs lack the specialized functionality and customization options necessary to effectively streamline AR processes and overcome unique challenges.

One-Size-Fits-All Approach

ERPs are designed to handle a wide variety of business processes across multiple departments, which can lead to a lack of focus on the specific requirements of AR. This generic approach may not adequately address the unique challenges and needs of AR professionals, such as:

  • Managing customer credit limits and payment terms
  • Automating dunning processes and collections
  • Providing detailed reporting and analytics on AR performance

Complex and Costly Customization

When an ERP fails to meet the specific needs of an AR department, companies often resort to customizing the software. However, modifying an ERP to fit AR requirements can be a time-consuming and expensive process that requires significant IT resources and expertise.

In contrast, best-of-breed AR solutions are purpose-built to handle the unique challenges of accounts receivable management. These specialized tools offer:

  • Out-of-the-box functionality tailored to AR processes
  • Easier implementation and configuration
  • Faster time-to-value and lower total cost of ownership

Another downside is the archaic nature of ERP solutions. ERPs invest little to no money into these solutions, so they often look like apps you would use 20 years ago.

Customization Costs Comparison

Solution Type Customization Time Customization Cost IT Expertise Required
ERP Weeks to months High Extensive
Best-of-Breed AR Days to weeks Low to moderate Minimal

Innovation and Investment

While ERPs are great for their main product, they often put little to no R&D into improving the bolt-on modules, which can impact user experience and the modernization of the product. This can result in outdated and inefficient AR functionalities that look like they belong in software from 20 years ago. On the other hand, best-of-breed vendors like Centime focus ALL of their innovation and investment on their accounts receivable products, ensuring that these solutions are future-proof and continuously improved to meet the evolving needs of their clients. By prioritizing R&D in AR, Centime guarantees a modern, user-friendly experience that enhances business efficiency and performance.


In our experience, best-of-breed AR solutions emerge as the clear winner when it comes to addressing the specific needs of accounts receivable departments. These specialized tools offer the tailored functionality, ease of implementation, and cost-effectiveness that generic ERPs struggle to provide.

Specialized AR Features: Unlock the Power of Best-of-Breed Solutions

Best-of-breed AR solutions offer a range of advanced features that generic ERP systems simply can't match. These specialized tools are designed to streamline AR processes, improve efficiency, and provide deep insights into receivables performance. Let's explore some of the key features that set best-of-breed AR apart.

Advanced Reporting and Analytics

One of the most significant advantages of best-of-breed AR solutions is their powerful reporting and analytics capabilities. These tools provide real-time, granular insights into receivables performance, allowing AR teams to make data-driven decisions and take proactive measures to improve cash flow.

Customizable Dashboards

Best-of-breed AR solutions offer highly customizable dashboards, enabling users to tailor the interface to their specific needs. This allows AR professionals to quickly access the information that matters most to them, without having to navigate through irrelevant data.

In-Depth Reporting

Advanced reporting features allow AR teams to drill down into specific accounts, customer segments, or aging buckets. This level of detail is essential for identifying trends, bottlenecks, and opportunities for improvement.

Feature Best-of-Breed AR Generic ERP
Real-time insights Limited
Customizable dashboards Limited
In-depth reporting Basic
Trend analysis Limited

Collaborative Workflow Management

Another key feature of best-of-breed AR solutions is their ability to facilitate collaboration and streamline workflows. These tools provide a centralized platform for managing AR tasks, documents, and communication, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

Seamless Collaboration

Best-of-breed AR solutions enable seamless collaboration between AR team members and other departments, such as sales and customer service. This helps to ensure that everyone has access to the most up-to-date information and can work together to resolve issues quickly.

Streamlined Dispute Resolution

Advanced workflow management features streamline the dispute resolution process, allowing AR teams to efficiently manage and resolve customer disputes. This helps to improve customer satisfaction and reduce the time and effort required to resolve issues.

In our testing, we found that best-of-breed AR solutions consistently outperformed generic ERP systems in terms of both reporting and workflow management. The advanced features offered by these specialized tools simply can't be matched by one-size-fits-all ERP systems.

Winner: Best-of-Breed AR Solutions

Best-of-breed AR solutions offer a clear advantage over generic ERP systems when it comes to specialized features. The advanced reporting, analytics, and collaborative workflow management capabilities of these tools enable AR teams to work more efficiently, make better decisions, and ultimately improve cash flow.

What is Best-of-Breed Software?

  • Best-of-breed software excels at a specific business function, offering advanced features and capabilities
  • It prioritizes depth and expertise in a particular domain, unlike all-in-one solutions like ERPs
  • Combining best-of-breed tools can provide greater flexibility and functionality for businesses

Definition and Key Characteristics

Best-of-breed software is designed to be the best solution for a specific business function or process. Unlike all-in-one solutions that try to cover a wide range of functions, best-of-breed software focuses on delivering superior performance and advanced features in its targeted area.

These specialized solutions are built with deep domain expertise and a clear understanding of the unique challenges and requirements of their specific niche. They offer functionality and capabilities that generic software often lacks, enabling businesses to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and gain a competitive edge.

Examples of Best-of-Breed Software

Some common examples of best-of-breed software include:

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems like Salesforce or HubSpot
  • Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) like Workday or BambooHR
  • Marketing Automation Platforms like Marketo or Pardot
  • Accounts Receivable (AR) automation solutions like Centime

Each of these solutions is designed to excel in its specific domain, providing businesses with the tools and features they need to optimize their processes and drive better results.

Comparison with All-in-One Solutions like ERPs

In contrast to best-of-breed software, all-in-one solutions like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems aim to provide a comprehensive suite of business applications. ERPs offer a wide range of modules, from finance and accounting to supply chain management and human resources, all integrated into a single platform.

While ERPs can provide a unified view of business operations and data, they often struggle to match the depth and specialized functionality of best-of-breed solutions. ERP modules are designed to work together seamlessly but may lack the advanced features and domain-specific capabilities that best-of-breed software offers.

Flexibility and Customization

One of the key advantages of best-of-breed software is its flexibility. Businesses can choose the specific tools they need and integrate them with their existing systems, creating a customized tech stack that meets their unique requirements. This modular approach allows companies to adopt new technologies and adapt to changing business needs more easily.

In contrast, ERPs often require significant customization and development efforts to meet specific business requirements. This can be time-consuming and expensive, making it harder for businesses to stay agile and responsive to market changes.

The Power of Integration

While best-of-breed solutions excel in their specific domains, they can be even more powerful when integrated with other systems and data sources. Modern integration technologies like APIs and webhooks enable businesses to connect their best-of-breed tools, creating seamless data flows and automated processes across their organization.

For example, integrating a best-of-breed AR automation solution with a company's ERP system can provide a real-time view of customer accounts, streamline invoice processing, and improve cash flow management. By leveraging the strengths of both specialized and all-in-one solutions, businesses can create a more efficient and effective technology ecosystem.

Choosing the Right Approach

Deciding between best-of-breed software and all-in-one solutions like ERPs depends on various factors, including a company's size, industry, growth plans, and technology budget. While ERPs can provide a solid foundation for managing core business processes, best-of-breed solutions can offer the specialized functionality and flexibility needed to drive innovation and competitive advantage.

Ultimately, the key is to find the right balance between integration and specialization. By carefully evaluating their needs and goals, businesses can create a technology strategy that leverages the strengths of both approaches, enabling them to optimize their operations, enhance customer experiences, and achieve long-term success.

Making the Right Choice for Your Business

  • Understand your AR requirements and priorities to choose the best solution
  • Consider key factors like integration, scalability, vendor expertise, and cost
  • Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of best-of-breed AR and ERP systems
  • Choosing a comprehensive AR automation solution

Assessing Your AR Requirements and Priorities

Before deciding between a best-of-breed AR solution and an ERP system, it's crucial to assess your organization's specific AR requirements and priorities. Start by identifying the key challenges and pain points in your current AR process. These may include manual data entry, lack of automation, limited visibility into customer payment behavior, or difficulties in managing collections and disputes.

Next, determine the specific features and capabilities needed to address these issues effectively. Consider factors such as real-time reporting, automated dunning processes, customer self-service portals, and integration with other financial systems. Evaluate how these features can streamline your AR operations, improve cash flow, and enhance customer relationships.

Benefits of Best-of-Breed AR Solutions

Best-of-breed AR solutions often provide specialized functionalities tailored to the unique needs of AR departments. These solutions can offer:

  • Advanced automation capabilities for tasks like invoice generation, payment reminders, and collections
  • Robust reporting and analytics tools for better visibility into AR performance and customer payment trends
  • Customizable workflows and user roles to adapt to your organization's specific processes
  • Dedicated support and expertise from vendors who specialize in AR management

By carefully evaluating your AR requirements and the potential benefits of best-of-breed solutions, you can make an informed decision on whether they align with your business objectives and can drive significant improvements in your AR operations.

Factors to Consider When Selecting an AR Solution

When choosing between a best-of-breed AR solution and an ERP system, there are several key factors to consider to ensure the best fit for your organization.

Ease of Integration

Assess how easily the AR solution can integrate with your existing systems and processes. Best-of-breed solutions should seamlessly connect with your ERP, accounting software, and other financial tools to ensure smooth data flow and avoid silos. Look for solutions with robust APIs and pre-built integrations to minimize disruption and implementation time.

Scalability and Flexibility

Consider the scalability and flexibility of the AR solution to accommodate your organization's future growth and changes. As your business expands and evolves, your AR needs may also shift. Choose a solution that can easily scale to handle increasing transaction volumes, adapt to new business models, and support global expansion if necessary.

Vendor Expertise and Support

Evaluate the expertise and track record of the vendor in the AR domain. Look for providers with deep knowledge of AR best practices, a proven history of successful implementations, and a strong commitment to customer success. Consider the level of support offered, including training, technical assistance, and ongoing advisory services to ensure a smooth transition and long-term value.

Total Cost of Ownership

Assess the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the AR solution, including implementation, maintenance, and training expenses. While best-of-breed solutions may have higher upfront costs compared to ERP systems, they can often deliver a faster return on investment (ROI) through improved efficiency, reduced manual effort, and enhanced cash flow. Consider the long-term financial impact and potential cost savings when making your decision.

By carefully evaluating these factors and weighing the benefits and drawbacks of best-of-breed AR solutions against ERP systems, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your organization's unique requirements, goals, and budget. Remember, the right choice will depend on your specific business context and priorities, and it's essential to engage key stakeholders across finance, IT, and other relevant departments in the decision-making process.

Centime: The Best of Both Worlds

Centime is the ONLY vendor who gives you the best of both worlds – a best-of-breed AR solution with the convenience of living directly inside of a tab within your ERP.

Seamless ERP Integration

Centime integrates seamlessly with your NetSuite, Sage Intacct, and QuickBooks, eliminating data silos and ensuring data consistency. This integration allows you to leverage the strengths of both systems, enhancing visibility into your AR processes and financial performance. Here are some specifics from Centime's ERP integrations:

  • Real-Time Data Sync: Centime ensures that all your AR data is continuously synced with your ERP, providing up-to-date information across both platforms. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and minimizes errors.
  • Enhanced Reporting and Analytics: By integrating with your ERP, Centime provides advanced reporting and analytics capabilities. You can generate detailed AR reports directly within the platform, offering deeper insights into your receivables performance.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Centime’s integration allows for a seamless workflow between your AR processes and financial management system. This ensures that all AR activities, from invoice generation to payment reconciliation, are efficiently managed within a single platform.
  • Automated Reconciliation: Centime automates the reconciliation of payments with your ERP, reducing manual effort and ensuring that your financial records are always accurate and up-to-date.

Advanced AR Features

With Centime, you don't have to compromise. You get advanced AR functionalities like automated invoice generation, intelligent collections management, and real-time reporting and analytics, all embedded within your ERP. This ensures you have the tailored capabilities of a best-of-breed solution along with the broad functionalities of your ERP.

  • Automated Invoice Generation and Delivery: Centime automates the creation and delivery of invoices based on predefined rules and customer contracts. This reduces the risk of human errors and ensures timely billing.
  • Intelligent Collections Management: Centime offers intelligent collections management features that automate follow-ups and reminders for overdue invoices, ensuring timely and consistent communication with customers.
  • Real-Time Reporting and Analytics: Centime provides real-time reporting and analytics capabilities embedded within your ERP, offering deeper insights into your AR performance and helping you make data-driven decisions.

Conclusion: Choosing Centime for Comprehensive AR Automation

For businesses looking to optimize their receivables management, Centime offers a compelling solution. By integrating best-of-breed AR features with your existing ERP system, Centime provides a comprehensive, efficient, and effective AR automation solution. This approach ensures you don't have to choose between best-of-breed functionality and ERP integration—you get the best of both worlds with Centime.

By leveraging Centime, businesses can streamline their AR processes, reduce errors, improve cash flow, and ultimately enhance their financial performance. This all-in-one solution embedded within your ERP ensures you enjoy the full benefits of specialized AR capabilities without compromising on the broader advantages of your ERP system.

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